24 Sep Adventures in Eorzea
I’m really sorry for the lack of updates as of late. When I wasn’t at work, eating or sleeping I was playing Final Fantasy XIV – a lot.
Well, I played it pretty much on any occasion, but I’m not one of those players who just rush through a game and get to max level in one or two weeks. For now our highest jobs are White Mage and Dragoon with level 30, followed by Arcanist and Marauder at level 25.
I also spend a lot time on the gathering and crafting classes to get good materials and create my own armor. Works pretty well. In the beginning it’s really easy, but it starts to get harder and slower ^,^°.
But it’s okay. In comparison to FFXI this game is so much easier. The story missions are sometimes a little bit hard, but all in all everything is pretty easy to unlock, which is somewhat sad, but I think that’s just how MMOs are now. You shouldn’t be able to get to max level within one week. I’d prefer it if you have to work a little more for what you get. And it shouldn’t be just about end game. I love it if the journey is the reward. If you ever played FFXI or a similar MMO, you know what I’m talking about.FFXI has gotten soft over the years as well, but it still takes your time to get things done. And there are places you just want to run away from, because they are so hard and scary.
Well I really enjoy it nonetheless. I love the graphics and the whole world! And it’s a lot better than version 1. Here are some of my coolest screenshots from the last three weeks:
What do you think about Final Fantasy XIV?
Btw, I’m Meia Direwolf on Odin. You can find my Lodestone profile here.